Another Flat for Felix Wong ~ Luckily in front of a Lodge for the night

Racer update about:
Hi this Felix Wong call at 9PM. I am just at the Junction of 287 and the gravel road that goes to 287. I’ve gone 92 miles today. I was really climbing well since the last time I called which was at Flagg Ranch. Just feeling super strong and then I got to this intersection to make a phone call to a friend came back and guess what my rear tire is flat again. So I only have one spare tube. Hopefully that’s good. The good thing is that where this happened is right next to the lodge. I’m staying in the lodge even though the rooms are $141.00. But I’m only doing this race in once in my life. So I’m here. I’m going to try to repair all of my tubes. Then hopefully make it to Pinedale for a day and half or so and pick up more tubes there. That’s my situation. I’m kind of bummed. I was actually planning on going on to Brooks Lake. But I guess 92 miles on a difficult day starting late with flat tires is not to shabby. I guess I’m not too disappointed. Talk to you later. Bye. (recorder time: 2008-06-23 22:06:15 EST.)


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