TD Rule #1 FAQs

Rule 1 reads...

Any determined cyclist may challenge the GDMBR at any time, in either direction to qualify for the Tour Divide (TD) General Classification (GC).

All attempts are intended to be solo, self-timed, and observed as one stage, i.e., one's clock runs non-stop. There are no required checkpoints or designated rest periods on course. Time stops for challengers upon arrival to the opposite GDMBR terminus from start. There is no finish time cut-off, however, current convention considers a competitive Divide Route finish time as within approximately 50% of record time for men, and 30% of record time for women. Currently this = 27days (100mi/day) for men, and 31days (90mi/day) for women.

FAQs:  If you have a question re. Rule 1 not answered below, post it using the comment form.

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