Adrian Stingaciu enjoys a little Trail Magic through CO

Racer update about:
Hi this is Adrian Stingaciu. I'm calling in from Silverthorne, CO. Its 8:34pm on Saturday, June 28. I just got into town. It has been a fun ride today. I wanted to say thanks to the nice folks at the Williams Forks Reservoir campground. Stopped there for water, but unfortunately it seems like all of the developed campgrounds in CO don’t have water. The nice folks camping there fixed me up. I stopped for 2 litters of water and they have me 5 litters and a bunch of food. So I’m good to go. Also, thanks to the folks at campground near the CO River, same thing, I stopped for water and they had me over for lunch. Also thanks to Matthew Lee for leaving the two bagels with pb in Atlantic City. He must have known I was running low on food. Also to Matthew Lee, Bear from NC says hi. I ran into him a while back. Also the 3 guys from the lst day at the cabin says hi as well. Pretty tired today. See how much further I can go on, if not maybe I’ll stay in town here. Got to get more food in me. Gotta go. (recorder time: 2008-06-28 21:36:03 EST)


go vegan go

Very happy to see you doing well and wish you stay strong to the finish line ... :-)

your vegan friend


Hey Adrian I'm just glad to hear you are eating, I have been wondering about your pecan supply! Hows it holding up?
Good job, keep it up buddy!!

reuben kline


Good to hear you are finding food and water out there. We worry about you not getting enough...stay strong. We love you and look forward to seeing you home soon.

Guess you won't be doing the newsletter this month...

Mitch and Kat

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