Adrian Stingaciu has The Dreamer's Disease
Hi this is Adrian Stingaciu calling in from Rawlins, WY on Thursday, June 26th at 1:33 pm. I just stopped in at Murray's Bike Shop to get a rear deraulier adjustment and probably change the chain as well. Doing pretty good. Starting to get a little head wind out there so see how much more distance I can put in today. Yesterday, was a really nice Epic day riding through the Great Divide Basin. In a moment of clarity while riding on the crest of the Continental Divide I finally figured out what is wrong with me. What is really wrong with me ironically is the very thing that is really right with me. I think I have the Dreamer's Disease. Before they find a cure for this I hope to infect as many people as possible with it.
(recorder time: 2008-06-26 14:34:09 EST)
all is right in the world
all is right in the world when dreams can blur into reality . keep on turning over those pedals.
Dreamer's Disease
Keep it up - I love reading about you guys living the dream!
Stay strong!
dreamer's disease
I hope they don't find a cure for the disease, I've had it for at least 2 years now and it's a beautiful thing.
Keep it rollin Adrian
You're halfway there. Keep
You're halfway there. Keep on Dream'n and keep on Pedal'n.
It all starts with a
It all starts with a dream.
Stay strong, stay healthy!
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