Alan Goldsmith Celebrates Half-Way by Washing his Bike Shorts

Racer update about:
Hi its Alan. I’m in Rawlins, WY. I’m still with Dominik. The last two days went pretty much as planned. Yesterday, we headed down to the Basin. We had dinner at Atlantic City before heading out and camping as the Diagnus Well. Earlier in the day, we bumped into the film crew on the way down. We hung out with them for about an hour. They filmed Dominik’s feet. I’m sure they are going to be the star of the movie. But it will have to be x-rated, I’m afraid. Today, we got up about 4 and headed off I guess around 5 and made it to Rawlins by 3. It was pretty tough. Gets pretty warm in that Basin. We just made it in chased by a storm. We got a little bit damp but we didn’t get struck by lighting which is the main thing. Tomorrow, we are going to Colorado. To celebrate our half-way point, we did our laundry and ate a lot. Time to go. Bye. (Recorder time: 2008-06-24 23:02:24 EST)


GO AL!! GO!! and Dominik too!!

We're watching the SPOT!
Dead impressed !
We've been out with the trailer a couple of times, just to empathise for a few pathetic miles. Hope you're remembering to take some photos.

Clean shorts, mmmm.

Take care and we're right behind you! (Not literally, of course, that would be hard with a trailer, and I think Jess would be a bit fed up by now!)
Sarah and Jess and Floyd


Hi Alan,

We are following your route on line. Its excellent, well done so far and you are up near the front. Impressed that you had time to wash your shorts! Sounds tough but we all hope you are enjoying yourself too.

Keep those legs peddling. We look forward to seeing you and some photos and hearing all about the trip when you get back.

Lots of love


Well done, mate, you're coming 3rd at the moment. Keep it going and no charging off!

Keep it up buddy. Jerome

Keep it up buddy.

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