Ardie Olson Finishes Friday, July 4, 11:46 pm

Racer update about:
Hey, this is Ardie Olson calling in from the Finish Line, Antelope Wells, N.M. I finished up at 11:46 pm Saturday, July the 4th. Everything went pretty good that day. It was a long day. I'll probably call back in maybe tomorrow sometime its really late here. I think its like 2 in the morning. I'll probably call back in tomorrow and give some final comments on the race other than it was a really tough race. I'll be talking with ya'll later. Again, this is Ardie Olson. Bye. (recorder time: 2008-07-05 03:07:05 EST) Finish Line Image


Congrats on the big finish,

Congrats on the big finish, Ardie. Being that I'm from Georgia as well, you were my pick to win. I'm just waiting to see that Blue Dot of yours over in Cumming, Georgia like Matthew's Blue Dot is in NC. Take care and again, congratulations!

Congrats Ardie

Congratulations Ardie! What a way to spend the 4th! That was a long ride! Way to go!
BTW, hope the dogs didn't keep you awake.

Congratulations Ardie!!!!

I knew you would finish and WOW second place is great!! It's been fun following the race, but I'm so glad you're done.
Congrats from all of us.
We love you.
Chris, Victoria, Jaret, and Wyatt

Oops, Ardie had his days Mixed up

I just changed the title to this blog as July 4th was Friday, not Saturday. Sherry O..


Congrats on finishing it's been fun following you guys

Congratulations Ardie!!! We

Congratulations Ardie!!! We knew you'd make it to the finish and what a way to celebrate the 4th of July and make it a really memorable day.

Congrats on the great run!

It's been a lot of fun watching you make your moves. How cool to finish on Independence Day.



Great job, Ardie!!! Can't wait to see you and hear about it. Get some rest. Love, Mom and David

The four amigos just left Pie Town

The four amigos just left Pie Town. The town is closed except for the post office. This is July 5 at 8:45 AM. They stayed on Pie Town Rd about 20 miles north last night. They stopped at Toaster House for water but House was closed. Came to Post office and filled water jugs and split so they could get to State road 12 before it gets too hot.
I will go down and see why the toaster house is closed. Nita is out of town but that is no reason to lock the door.

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