Jamie called in from Grants

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Hyme, Awesome to see you


Awesome to see you brother! Found you 'round 6:40pm'ish in a good rythm. Thanks for the wave and I know how hard core you are cuz you did not stop riding to wave. A long damn way to go till the finish for someone like me ........... but I'm sure it'll just be a drop in the bucket for you. You inspire me to try something that requires about 1% of the calorie output you've done over the past 20 some odd days.

Keep it going my brother, I can't wait to hear the stories. This is like a weird version of the "Forrest Gump" movie. Most my buddies wouldn't believe it were it not for the online version of tracking your progress ............ their jaws are also dropped in awe.


luv on the gdt cont -

Jamie, You're fun. The girls said you don't really smell bad at all. ( Plug this into the data points on terminal funk theory). We watched you eat bananas, and then ride into the shadows of the mesa? Beautiful Crazy man. We love you.

Outta Sight


You haven't checked in and the Spot stopped tracking, so today has been high anxiety wondering how you're doing. You're like a desert Shaman, disappeared to warp speed and invisible to radar. Stealthy & Spooky, specially in a Coyote-like approach to target the border. Grateful for Brother & Sister blog entries that reassure Old Auntie and cousins that you're riding riding riding. Bright moonlight lighting up the sunset, slide in smooth as a baby's bottom, maybe this night. It's a Hoot.

--Aunt Candy

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