Steve McGuire pulls out of the race in Dillon
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Steve I am sorry to here this
Steve I am sorry to here this .All the prep makes it very tough to stop .I hope to see you next year .
Sorry to hear this
Hi Steve
Real sorry that you've pulled the plug on this again. Sounds like the conditions are tougher than 07. Glad to hear that you had a good ride with Paul - he's a really nice guy and glad you had the time with him.
I have been saying a prayer
I have been saying a prayer each day to keep you safe. Guess I should have added “warm and dry”. What an accomplishment! I proclaim that you are now an official Mountain Man.
Barb Lundquist
You and Paul
Thanks for the day you did riding with Paul you really lifted his spirits - sounds like you two were talking so much, you nearly didn't notice it was raining. Sorry you've decided not to go on - all the best...
Catherine (Pauls' wife)
Just as well...
Well, it's just as well. We could use some help at home. Since I have become a blue dot junkie, the trash is piling up, there are loads of laundry to be done, and there's not a clean dish to be found in the kitchen. And the dog needs to be walked....
Your loving wife, Lore
You are the best
Hi Steve,
You are one of the best adventurers out there. I was following your SPOT signal a few times a day and actually told everyone I know about it. I am glad for you that you tried the race and I am very glad that you ended it safe and healthy. For us in Iowa City, you are a hero, no matter if you did a day or three weeks of this race.
Your next Gyro at Oasis is on the house.
Good luck and all the best,
Naftaly, Ofer and the Oasis team
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