Cricket Calls in from Lima

Racer update about:

Hey, it's Cricketchecking in from Lima.  I just got in (Sunday night).  In 2 minutes I can't begin to tell you what I just experienced over Medicine Lodge Pass.  It was the most demoralizing experience of my life.  Basically from Grants to Lima it's almost unrideable and going south over the passI would say there is 13 miles that are almost unpushable.  My wheels were stuck, wouldn't turn, even walking in the sage off the road, just the mud was everywhere.  It was crazy.  It took me 7.5 hours to get to Hildredge Ranch, which is 6 miles before the pass into Lima.  7.5 hours, it was insane.  I just wanted to sit down and cry but I didn't because I needed to get into town.  Anyway, resupplying heregot the bke washed and cleaned my tires and brakes, trying to get a lube and I'm probably going to move on, I might be here tonight, it depends.  But anyway, anyone coming over that pass, just beware, it's wet, it's hell.  But I am still smiling and still laughing and I doon't know why.  Anyway, just checking in, everyone be good.  Bye.


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