Eric B. checks in from Salida
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(Call came in at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, June 27)
Hey, Eric Bruntjen calling in from Salida, Colorado. It's a new day.
Didn't have any rain yesterday, woke up under pretty gray skies and pedaled into Silverthorne, and the skies opened up and starting pouring down rain. But instead of pushing on, I remembered what (honorary starter) John Stamstad said to the racers last year, to be flexible. So I pulled into a coffeeshop and sat there for about an hour, hour and a half, waiting for it to stop raining. Let me tell you, if you ever want motivation to get on your bike and ride, sit in a coffee shop and listen to rich folks talk about the problems in their lives. It's a mind-numbing experience.
So about an hour, hour and a half later, a little window opened up and I busted over the hill to Breckenridge; kept up going up Boreas Pass, and the weather just got nicer, and nicer and nicer. I ended up going over the pass, flying into Como. Kept on pedaling out of Hartsel into, really, the sage area there. Kept on going until almost midnight, having a 150-mile day, either 145 or 150. A couple of big passes, too, I went over, so I feel great about yesterday, feel great about today.
The sun's out, just going to go as strong as I can today. I'm feeling really strong. As long as the weather holds, I think I'm good.
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