The race is still on...
More finishers in the past couple of days, including southbound:
Kim Raeymaekers (first ever Belgian, I think), Bob Anderson, Norb DeKerchove, Tom Sap, JP Evans, Ray Porter (well done Ray – no arguments with the multitool when boxing your bike up now, in fact I’d let the guys at Gila Hike and Bike do it for you if necessary), Daniel Bayley, Luke Doney, Lee Krumholz, John Umstead, Tori Fahey (second woman), Jon Pettit and David Horton;
ITTers Jeff Tomasetti, Markley Anderson and Rob Colliver (nice one, Rob – more proof that the South Downs is ideal training for the Rockies…);
and northbound: Craig Dolwin, Ross Delaplane, Roland Sturm and Steve Moore – and that’s all the northbounders done now, excellent stuff.
For the rest still on the course, not far to go now. You can do it.
From the discussion forum it seems Jackie Bonn has called it a day, which is unfortunate as she was very near the finish and had already managed to negotiate the Brazos Ridge overlook before it was closed. That takes the total of those who’ve scratched to 27, not as high as previous years but still a significant tally. Sorry it didn’t work out this time, but hats off nonetheless for making it to the start line and trying.
Also, Cricket Butler has had to pull the plug on here ITT women’s record attempt due to sore knees. Sorry to hear it Cricket – get well soon. That leaves Stephen Huddle out on course, still gunning for under 21 days on the original route, and don't forget the furious battle for the red caboose (or maybe that should be the furious battle to get out of the red caboose).
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