Paul calls in from Kremling
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Da! This is comrade Howardovic calling from the official Tour Divide Staff Newsagency in the Kremlin(g) just to report that ve had a very good day two days ago rolling from Rawlins to Steamboat Springs - a new record of communist productivity 135 miles on mountain bike in one day and then yesterday ve were seduced by capitalist laziness and go very slowly and ve went only 77 miles to the Kremlin(g) - to come home. Now today ve hope to go very far again and hope to roll through Breckenridge and make it over the big hill Boreas Pass and then into Hartsel maybe and at least down the other side. A message for comrade Rodovic - they checked the Super Marin bike at the bike shop in Steamboat Springs and they said it was working very, very well and it very good only needed a new chain. Also a message for comrade Eddieovic at Open Spaces in Brighton - your tent stay on the ground in very strong wind. I sleep snug as bug in rug. Comrade Rodovic is at Mr Cycles of Seaford of course. Da! that is all I think. Time to go. [Various greetings extended in a sort of Anglo-Russian?] Which I hope means - thanks very much - I love you all - I'm going to Mexico. Bye, bye.
You are having too much fun. That's the way to ride this race. Have a great ride thru the rest of Colorado and New Mexico.
"Old Man" Rick
so cute!
we love colorful commentary
Well Done
God damn Squire. We are all so impressed with your progress. The ranks of those convinced that they can pull this race off have swelled to epic proportions. All are inspired in their fantasies by you. Carry on. One spoke after the next.
ATB, Steve
Paul! Congrats on still being
Congrats on still being alive. This is going to be one hell of a book!
Good speed
Snell snell kartofellkoff!
Very impresed with progress, is Kremling now in Pakistan?! Thougth I'd join in with your international fun but don't know any Russian, the closest I could find was 'faster, faster potato wagon' in German, hope that helps!! It all sounds wonderful in a pretty thigh-burning knid of way! Lots of love and mexican thoughts, C,T,C&S
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