Juicy Fruita Tour Divide Video Blog Introduction


Drive train choices

Are there any racers using an internal geared hub (Rohloff). If not- why not?
Also has Subway offered Mathew Lee an endorsement contract yet? If Jarred what's- his- name can build a career on eating Subway I gotta believe there's a little something they could do for a guy who rides a bike across the spine of the Rockies in record time. Then recycles the bags on his feet. I don't know how they could do any better than that.

Gear list...

Did you forget anything ???.....or bring along something you now know you'll have no need for ??


Best thing you ate?
Worst thing you ate?
Local speciality you discovered?
Food you craved most?


What's the motivation that keeps you going through all the challenges of the ride?

It would seem hard to fully appreciate the beauty of your surroundings while racing - why race vs tour ride the divide?

Some riders ride alone, some in groups - what is your preference and why?

How did you train? How would you revise your training?

Did you buy a new bike for the race?

The race is really hard on bikes. Did you buy a new bike for the race? Are you a bike mechanics? How did you prepare for breakdowns on the trail? What equipment do you carry to fix your bike? Do other racers help when you have problems with your bike? You guys and gal are awesome! Finish strong you are all winners!

High fives

Just give all the amazing riders a high five for me as they come by. Give especially big high fives to my former riding companions Stephen Huddle, Cricket Butler, Jacob Jonsrud, and yes of course Mister Lee (don't forget to tell them its from Trevor, their cheering section in Canada!)

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