Update: Saturday 28th @ 8am
Matt Lee is now the lone leader after the withdrawl of Reuben Kline. Well done on 1662 miles Reuben. It is disapointing not to get to the finish after racing for twelve days, but reading the comments on his last post will show what his family and friends think of him. Matt Lee, as with the other racers that have come through The Basin, has slowed through tiredness, environment (and performing feats of Police Rescue) and is a day and a half off his record pace of 2007. Mary Collier has done well to stay in it, and is inline to finish around the 30 day mark, Stephen Gleasner is just behind but has slowed past his initial plan of a 30 day finish. Whilst Alan Goldsmith and Dominik Scherer can feed off each others strengths, Adrian Stingaciu benefits from riding alone and was lucky to achieve a 'moment of clarity' on the Divide.
By Alex Field